Interwoven Existences: The Poetry of Nature


Interwoven Existences: The Poetry of Nature

exhibition with:

Vanessa Billy
Daniela Bozzetto
Alisha Dutt Islam
Ursula Palla
Naomi Tereza Salmon
Dimitrina Sevova


Opening January 31st
6pm – 8pm

Utoquai 41


The exhibition explores the concept of Natura naturata —nature shaped by human intervention—through the lens of Andreas Weber’s Poetic Ecology

Weber’s approach presents nature as a living, poetic system where all elements are interconnected and in constant interaction. 

From this perspective, Natura naturata is not simply the result of human manipulation but rather an expression of a creative, poetic relationship between humans and nature. 

Nature is seen not as a passive backdrop, but as an active, co-creative force.

The Earth is more than a physical place; it possesses memory. Through art, the memory of places, landscapes, and ecological changes is awakened and preserved. Nature thus becomes a source of identity through remembrance. Artificiality plays a central role here: it is not perceived as the opposite of nature but as an extension of the natural system, opening new aesthetic, ecological, and regenerative possibilities. This includes examining how artificial elements can integrate into the living structure of nature. By juxtaposing organic and synthetic materials, the distinction between nature and artificiality is blurred —artificiality here becomes a vibrant part of a poetic ecosystem.

The exhibition delves into the invisible networks and rhythms of nature while also reflecting on the fragile balance within these systems.



Artist Talk


Daniela Bozzetto and Hanga Sera

In conclusion of the LABOR residency ‘ZWISCHENSTUFEN – intermediate stages’
the artists Daniela Bozzetto and Hanga Sera will present their experience
with the curator Tanja Trampe 

October 21st at 6.30 pm

nano – Raum für Kunst
Röschibachstrasse 57
8037 Zürich

ZWISCHENSTUFEN – intermediate stages

.Hanga Sera and Daniela Bozzetto

Daniela Bozzetto and Hanga Sera

LABOR Art Residency

nano – Raum für Kunst
Röschibachstrasse 57
8037 Zürich

October 2024

Artist Talk with curator Tanja Trampe 
October 21st – 6:30 pm

The artists in residence, Daniela Bozzetto and Hanga Séra, will engage with the notions of ‘indeterminacy’ and ‘improvisation’ as vital elements of the their artistic practice.
Their actions, whether influenced by pre-existing objects or by the layout of this artspace, will remain an open and ongoing process of mutual exchanges and interaction as well as individual creation.
Defined or formless, immaterial or concrete, drawn, installed, projected or performed, their intention is to welcome what emerges in every stage as an element of surprise and a new starting point.

SPC Photo Awards

SPC Photo Awards


16th – 25th March 2023

Vernissage 16th March
17:00 – 20:00

the House of Photography
Sihlquai 125
8005 Zurich


Elegy of the Minimal

WBB gallery

5th November – 17th December 2022

Daniela Bozzetto


WBB Galley, Zurich

In a decade where Artificial Intelligence can simulate human reasoning and perform creative tasks, the definition of ‘artistic process’ and the cultural value of artifacts are necessarily reformulated.
Both man-made and natural wonders co-exist with the products of advanced operational entities.
Daniela Bozzetto is questioning not just the notion of ‘authenticity’, but also the role of ‘inspiration’ and ‘intuition’ as intrinsic aspects of creation.

The series of bas-reliefs titled «Transfert» derives from a group of automatic drawings.
In automatic drawing, the hand is allowed to move randomly across the paper, freed of rational control.
Scribbling absentmindedly is for the artist a practice of meditation, operating from a place of emptiness, possibly the only non-algorithmic prerogative.
These human-generated, entirely involuntary creations convey what we can call ‘intuitive indeterminacy’.

To the devaluation of the ‘aura of art’, Bozzetto opposes an idealistic antidote, experiencing an aimless state of connectedness to the self and, thus, finding what remains impossible for ‘computational creativity’.
Bozzetto’s intricated and delicate structures oscillate between figurative and abstract, often evoking phytomorphic elements, revealing an inner correspondence with natural forms.

In the work titled «Unconcealed Preciosity», thin silver lines are drawn over photographic prints.
The reflecting metallic drawings create a second image in juxtaposition with the glossy surface of the photo paper.
Both layers are visible simultaneously only when the light comes from a certain direction so that the whole image appears with its capillary lines, dots and dainty traces.

The subject of the photo underneath is real, but it is not clear if it occurs naturally.
These artworks belong to a series titled ‘Lucus’ (a term used in ancient Roman culture to indicate a sacred bush), and they portray entangled ramifications and chrysalis.
Their dehydrated form and some silkworm webs can be perceived at the same time as attractive and repulsive.
Yet, in the photos, the unsettling aspects appear transcended as if sublimated into an ambiguous beauty.
They seem to evoke a suspended time beyond the ‘sensible world’ that cannot be easily labelled.

Daniela Bozzetto embraces the exiguous, the minute, the irrelevant and subtle.
The taste for refined details can be associated with decoration or embroidery, which has been regarded as second-class craftwork activities for a long period of time.
In Western culture, visual beauty and ornament have not been taken into account as serious matters in the context of modern and contemporary art.
Bozzetto’s work sheds new light on these forms of art and seems to subtly declare the power of lyrical beauty.

In the city visual festival

Daniela Bozzetto and Dario Neira


‘In the city – visual festival’

17th September to 1st October 2021

VG Lab – Spazio Miele
Via Po 14, Turin

Kunstlerhaus Ulm


Daniela Bozzetto and Johannes Pfeiffer



19th September – 18th October 2020


HERE 2018


450 artists

10 days of exhibition, talks, performances

18th – 27th May 2018

Cavallerizza Reale

Via Verdi 9, Torino

TOdays festival 2017

TOdays bB cut


25th August – 27th August  2017

Gagliardi e Domke Gallery

Via Cervino 16, Torino

csa farm gallery



13th October – 6th November 2016


CSA Farm Gallery




cavallerizza reale





200 artists

9 days of exhibition, talks, performances


13th – 22nd May 2016


Cavallerizza Reale

Via Verdi 9, Torino

the 15th China Pingyao International Photography Festival



Pingyao International Photography Festival 2015


Italian contemporary serction: ‘The crossing border’


artists: Daniela Bozzetto, Michela Forte, Liubodrag Andric
curated by Giulia Pra Floriani


september 19th – september 25th 2015

Pingyao, Shanxi, China



65° edizione Premio Michetti




curated by Tiziana D’Acchille


july 26th – august 31st 2014


Fondazione Michetti
Museo di Piazza San Domenico, Francavilla al Mare (CH)




dell’intangibile e del vero

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Exhibition for  the 17th Environmental Film Festival CinemAmbiente


30th may – 5th june 2014


Cortile del Maglio



solo shows of the artists:

Daniela Bozzetto – ‘Dell’intangibile e del vero’

Davide Carrari – ‘Meduse’

Pierluigi Fresia – ‘Caccia Notturna’

Ellie Kealey – ‘Afghanistan’



future-epa-bn web





En Plein Air – contemporary art, Pinerolo (To)


7th september  –  31st  december 2013

curated by Elena Privitera e Marco Filippa


hydrostart cut



Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino

november 10th – december 15th, 2012

curated by Irina Novarese and A.Titolo



Felipe Aguila, Silke Bauer & Viola Thiele, Jung-Ki Beak, Daniela Bozzetto, Sabine Delafon, Dominic Hislop, Cynthia Hooper,  Zoltan Kunckel, Steve Mc Pherson, Isola & Norzi, Francesco Ozzola, Bhagwati Prasad, Alessandro Quaranta, Riiko Sakkinen, Kinya Shiraishi.


biennale di venezia







Palazzo del Monferrato, Alessandria

25.09 – 30.11.2011

curated by Vittorio Sgarbi and Sabrina Raffaghello



Francesco Casorati,
Enrico Colombotto Rosso,
Piero Ruggeri,
Giacomo Soffiantino,

Alessandro Bellucco, Mauro Biffaro, Luciano Bobba, Corrado Bonomi, Daniela Bozzetto, Carlo Cane, Ilenio Celoria, Antonio Ciarallo, Gianni Colosimo, Pasquale Direse, Mario Fallini, Piero Fogliati, Vittore Fossati, Daniele Giunta, Furio Giovannacci, Roberto Goffi, Pierpaolo Koss, Arrigo Lora Totino, Mirco Marchelli, Mara Mayer, Piero Mega, Sergio Muratore, Chiara Pirito, Tamara Repetto, Edoardo Romagnoli, Claudio Rotta Loria, Giancarlo Soldi, Barbara Uccelli

de profundis ad stellam

galerie g logo


Galerie G, Paris

Exposition du 12 novembre au 17 décembre 2011


Galerie G présente 7 artistes contemporains dont le travail explore des thèmes évoqués par les contradictions entre la lumière et l’obscurité, ainsi que les métaphores qui s’y attachent : la vie et la mort, l’impermanence, toujours dans un équilibre entre fascination et rejet.

Les artistes :

Daniela Bozzetto, Patricia Corre, Lyang Kim, Diane Sara, Hugo Verlinde, Hsinli Wang, Rebecca Young



“… erba e fior che la gonna…”

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“… erba e fior che la gonna…”

VisionQuesT gallery and UnimediaModern Contemporary Art, Genoa


17.06 – 24.09.2011



Joseph Beuys,
Piero Gilardi,
Mimmo Jodice,
Andy Warhol,

Cinzia Ambrosini, Fernando Andolcetti, Araki, Francesco Arena, Vasco Ascolini, Nanni Balestrini, Mauro Battiston, Douglas Beasley, Connie Bellantonio, Stefania Beretta, Beppe Bolchi, Corrado Bonomi, Daniela Bozzetto, Heike Buelau, Silvia Camporesi, Ugo Carrega, Maurizio Carucci, Guido Castagnoli, Bruno Cattani, Alik Cavaliere, Sandra Chiesa, Cesare Cicardini, Cosimo Cimino, Andrea Contin, Claudio Costa, Philip Corner, Mario Commone, Roger Cutforth, Arturo Delle Donne, Daniele Ferrarazzo, Bertrand Flachot, Antonio Flamminio, Limbania Fieschi, Pierluigi Fresia, Francesca Galliani, Maurizio Galimberti, Giuliano Galletta, Flor Garduño, Mauro Ghiglione, Giacomo Giannini, Gianluca Groppi, Angelo Gualco, Dorothy Hong, Peter Hutchinson, Carla Iacono, Mirta Kokalj, Mario Lasalandra, Emanuele Magri, Fulvio Magurno, Mauro, anfredi, Malena Mazza, Luca Mengoni, Nino Migliori, Fiammetta Miraglia, Alzek Misheff, Paola Mongelli, Amandine Nabarra-Piomelli, Anna Oberto, Mauro Panichella, Ben Patterson, Giuseppe Pellegrino, Federico, iccari, Ivan Pinkava, Anna Positano, Lucio Pozzi, Angelo Pretolani, Elettra Ranno, Antonello Ruggieri, Jan Saudek, Ferdinando Scianna, Serge III, Berty Skuber, Paolo Simonazzi, Aldo Spinelli, Rebecca Szabo, Takako Saito, Jacqueline Tune, Ben Vautier, Alessandra Vinotto, Giulia Vasta, Luigi Viola