ZWISCHENSTUFEN – intermediate stages

.Hanga Sera and Daniela Bozzetto

Daniela Bozzetto and Hanga Sera

LABOR Art Residency

nano – Raum für Kunst
Röschibachstrasse 57
8037 Zürich

October 2024

Artist Talk with curator Tanja Trampe 
October 21st – 6:30 pm

The artists in residence, Daniela Bozzetto and Hanga Séra, will engage with the notions of ‘indeterminacy’ and ‘improvisation’ as vital elements of the their artistic practice.
Their actions, whether influenced by pre-existing objects or by the layout of this artspace, will remain an open and ongoing process of mutual exchanges and interaction as well as individual creation.
Defined or formless, immaterial or concrete, drawn, installed, projected or performed, their intention is to welcome what emerges in every stage as an element of surprise and a new starting point.